Our journey to net zero with Carbon Capture

APS Group has helped Premier’s Carbon Capture® programme raise over £1.83 million to date for the Woodland Trust, funding more than 480,000 trees with the potential to capture approximately 110,580 tonnes of CO2e over their lifetime. 100% of the funds raised through the programme are passed directly to the Trust to fund woodland conservation and the planting of trees, which will absorb carbon from the atmosphere during their lifetime. The new woodland created provides habitats for wildlife and green spaces for all to enjoy. We’re delighted to be part of this programme, and sharing our values of a responsible approach to the environment.
The Woodland Trust work tirelessly to protect, restore, create and care for our woodlands to ensure that they can be enjoyed for generations to come. Find out more on the Trust’s work and strategy here.
Supporting the Woodland Trust’s to establish 60,000 hectares of native woodland across the UK by 2030
The Trust’s woodland carbon scheme helps organisations reduce their carbon footprint by locking up unavoidable carbon emissions while helping nature thrive. Trees don’t just mitigate carbon, removing it from the atmosphere, they also sequester it – absorbing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and then locking it up for centuries. In 2022 the Trust turned 50, over that time 500,000 people from the UK and beyond have been inspired to be a member or supporter of the Woodland Trust. The Woodland Trust care for more than 1,000 free public woods, growing more than 50 million trees.
Woodland covers just 13.2% of the UK, with only 7% of all Britain’s native woodland in good ecological condition. Climate change has meant that spring happens on average 8.5 days earlier which is having catastrophic effects on a multitude of different species. For example, blue tit chicks are hatching later than the caterpillars they feed on. Although woodland cover is gradually increasing, woodland wildlife populations are dramatically decreasing so it’s vital we’re part of this programme to ensure our woodlands can be enjoyed for years to come.
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