The first APS Wellbeing Week

Last Tuesday marked World Mental Health Day, a time for awareness, education, and advocacy against social stigma. We wanted to find a way to support our colleagues around the globe that would allow them time to focus on self-care and self-expression.
After much planning, the very first APS Wellbeing Week was brought to life through a lineup of free activities and events. The response we had to the initiative has been fantastic, and we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part, shared their creations, and made the week a success!
The week started with sharing our motivational Spotify playlist, which compiled over an hour of songs to help uplift, soothe, and inspire your Monday morning. To listen again, scan the image below in your Spotify app or click here.

On Monday, we also had the first of our two one hour free yoga sessions with Maria Kelly to help release any stress or tension throughout your body and encourage mindful breathing.
Next, we hosted a webinar with Marie-Clare from Sunflower Thinking, who creates hope through safe and positive mental health training. This session was based around mental health first aid and practical ways you can help to support those around you who may be struggling.
Also, throughout the week, fresh fruit hampers were delivered to our offices, and our Graphic Designer, Simon Rhodes, designed several colouring book pages so that staff could engage in a moment of mindfulness and calm.
Lastly, we also held a nature photo competition which was by far the most popular event of the week! There’s so much evidence to show that getting out in nature and being amongst green and blue spaces can positively impact both your mental and physical wellbeing, so we challenged our teams to get outside as much as possible and share the best image from their excursions! It’s safe to say, that not only do our colleagues live in some beautiful parts of the world, but they have a real talent for photography too! Take a look through the submissions below.
Congratulations to Ray Cane from our Cheadle production team who won the nature photo competition with the incredible image of a bumblebee on a sunflower featured at the top of this page.
Again, thank you to all who took part this week and made it a success!
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