Plastic free Initiatives

APS Group are on the journey to becoming carbon net zero by 2040 and is committed to finding innovative new ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One area we’re looking at is reducing our plastic consumption and our production teams are currently in the midst of trials across two of our facilities in a bid to make this happen.
Preston Brook, our largest secure production unit housing machines capable of handling 30,000 packs per hour – read more about our recent expansion here – has seen plastic tape being swapped out for an eco-friendlier paper counterpart. Similarly at our Cheadle site, plastic box padding has been replaced by heavy paper void filler which gives the volume needed to protect the box contents. Both alternatives are so far performing well and, following a few more tests, we are hoping to roll these initiatives out across all of our warehouses. These measures are not only improving our environmental impact, but we’re also seeing cost savings for our clients too.
The trial duration of approximately 12 months has resulted in us reducing our CO2 emissions by 4.45 tonnes which is equivalent to planting 445 trees in UK forests. We look forward to this number increasing once these paper alternatives are implemented across all our production sites.
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